
Class 8 - English Compulsory Grammar and Literature

بائے Nuzhat Yasmin

استاد کے بارے میں

Nuzhat Yasmin

پڑھانا 7020+ طلباء

I taught 337268 students on Noon so far, and I look forward to teaching you. A highly skilled Lead Master Trainer and teacher with over 2 decades experience ,has extensive knowledge of most effective teaching pedagogies as reported by top educational researchers. Has produced excellent results at FBISE.

گروپ کے بارے میں

گروپ دورانیہ

سے شروع ہوا June 14!

نصاب کی پراگریس

0/1 ابواب مکمل یو گیے ہیں
Chapter 1Introduction
present tense

To help students with English grammar and language learning

+ 7020