11. What is a flower? Describe the parts of a typical angiosperm flower
11. What is a flower? Describe the parts of a typical angiosperm flower


  • The flower is the reproductive component of an angiosperm. It’s a modified shoot in which the apical meristem transforms into a floral meristem.
  • On the swelling end of the pedicel or stalk known as the receptacle or thalamus, a typical flower has four different kinds of whorls that are ordered sequentially. These four organs are divided into two categories: auxiliary organs and reproductive organs. Perianth is the name used when the calyx and corolla are not separate.
  • The reproductive organs are androecium and gynoecium, whereas the accessory organs are calyx and corolla.

Parts of the flower are as follows


Sepals are the lowermost and outermost whorls of the flower. Other floral structures are supported and protected by them.


Corollas are made up of vividly coloured petals that attract pollinating insects. The stamens are located outside the sepals and inside the sepals.


Androecium is made up of stamens, which are male reproductive organs in the form of a stalk, filament, and anther.

Each lobe of the anther has two chambers, which are the pollen sacs where pollen grains are formed. The stamens can be joined to other parts, such as petals, or to each other.


The female reproductive portion of a flower is the gynoecium, which is made up of one or more carpels, each of which is made up of three parts: stigma, ovary, and style. The ovary is located near the base of the ovary, which is swollen and bears the style, which is an extended tube. The style, whose tip bears the stigma where pollen grains are received, connects the ovary to the stigma. One or more ovules are connected to the placenta in each of the ovaries.