Question 12.4: Write the IUPAC names of the following ketones and aldehydes. Wherever possible, give also common names.
Question 12.4: Write the IUPAC names of the following ketones and aldehydes. Wherever possible, give also common names.

(i) CH3CO(CH2)4CH3


(iii) CH3(CH2)5CHO



(vi) PhCOPh


(i) CH3CO(CH2)4CH3

IUPAC name: Heptan-2-one

Common name: Methyl pentyl ketone


IUPAC name: 4-Bromo-2-methylhaxanal

Common name: γ-Bromo-α-methyl-caproaldehyde

(iii) CH3(CH2)5CHO

IUPAC name: Heptanal

(iv) Ph-CH=CH-CHO

IUPAC name: 3-phenylprop-2-enal

Common name: β-Pheynolacrolein


IUPAC name: Cyclopentanecarbaldehyde

(vi) PhCOPh

IUPAC name: Diphenylmethanone

Common name: Benzophenone