Which of the following statements are true and which are false? In each case give a valid reason for saying so. (i) r: Circle is a particular case of an ellipse. (ii) s: If x and y are integers such that x > y, then –x < –y.
Which of the following statements are true and which are false? In each case give a valid reason for saying so. (i) r: Circle is a particular case of an ellipse. (ii) s: If x and y are integers such that x > y, then –x < –y.

(i) The condition of an elipse is,

NCERT Solutions Mathematics Class 11 Chapter 14 - 3

In the event that we put\[~a\text{ }=\text{ }b\text{ }=\text{ }1\], we get

\[{{x}^{2}}~+\text{ }{{y}^{2}}~=\text{ }1,~\], which is a condition of a circle

Thus, circle is a specific instance of an oval.

Thusly, explanation \[r\]is valid


(ii) \[x\text{ }>\text{ }y\]

By a standard of disparity

\[-\text{ }x\text{ }<\text{ }\text{ }y\]

Subsequently, the given assertion \[s\]is valid