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What is Ecological Succession ? Write its various steps.


  • The directional change in the flora and fauna of a given region over a period of time is called ecological succession.
  • It is the process of gradual change in the species structure of an ecological community over time.

Three different steps as primary and secondary succession:

Primary succession:

  • It is initiated when a new area that has never previously supported an ecological community is colonized by plants and animals. 
  • This could be on newly exposed rock surfaces from landslides or lava flows.

Secondary succession:

  • It occurs when an area that has previously had an ecological community is so disturbed that the original community was destroyed, and a new community moves in. 
  • This is more common than primary succession.
  • It is the result of natural disasters such as fires, floods and winds, as well as human interference such as logging and clear cutting. 

Climax stage:

  •  when the population comes to a stable stage.