What happens when zinc granules are treated with a dilute solution of $H_2SO_4$, HCl, $HNO_3$, NaCl and NaOH, also write the chemical equations if a reaction occurs.
What happens when zinc granules are treated with a dilute solution of $H_2SO_4$, HCl, $HNO_3$, NaCl and NaOH, also write the chemical equations if a reaction occurs.

Solution: Displacement reaction occurs when zinc granules react with concentrated H2SO4, resulting in the formation of ZnSO4 and the release of hydrogen gas.

Zn( s)+ H2SO4(aq)→ ZnSo(aq)+H2 (g)

When zinc granules react with concentrated HCl, a displacement reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of ZnCl2 and the release of H2 gas.

Zn( s)+ H2Cl(aq) →ZnCl(aq)+H2 (g)

When zinc granules react with dilute HNO3, zinc nitrate is formed, which then reacts with water to produce H2O and nitrous oxide.

4Zn(s)+10 HNO3(aq) 4Zn(NO3)2(aq) +5H2O(i)+N2O (g)

There will be no reaction between zinc granules and sodium chloride when they are combined.

When zinc granules react with NaOH solution, a chemical reaction occurs.

Zn(s)+ NaOH(aq)→ Na2ZnO(aq)+H2 (g)