India Site

Two ores A and B were taken. On heating ore A gives CO2 whereas, ore B gives SO2. What steps will you take to convert them into metals?


Ore A – Carbonate ore

Steps to convert carbonate ore into metal:

1. Calcination – Metal oxide is obtained by heating the ore in the presence of oxygen.

Reaction Involved: ACO3→ AO+ CO2

2. Reduction – Metal is obtained by the reduction of metal oxide with coke.

Reaction Involved: AO+C→ A+ CO


Ore B – Sulphide ore

Steps to convert sulphide ore into metal:

1. Roasting – Metal oxide is obtained by the heating of the ore in the presence of oxygen.

Reaction Involved: 2BS+3O2→ 2BO+2SO2

2. Reduction – With Carbon, reduction of metal oxide to metal occurs.

Reaction Involved: BO+C→ B+CO