Two circles touch externally at a point P. From a point T on the tangent at P, tangents TQ and TR are drawn to the circles with points of contact Q and R respectively. Prove that TQ = TR.
Two circles touch externally at a point P. From a point T on the tangent at P, tangents TQ and TR are drawn to the circles with points of contact Q and R respectively. Prove that TQ = TR.

Given: O and C are the centre of Two circles  touching each other externally at P. PT is its common tangent

From a point T: PT, TR and TQ are the tangents drawn to the circles.

Required to prove: TQ = TR


$TR$  and $TP$  are two tangents to the circle with centre $O$ , From $T$

So, $TR=TP$  ….(i)

Similarly, from point $T$

$TQ$  and $TP$  are two tangents to the circle having centre $C$

$TQ=TP$  ….(ii)

From (i) and (ii) ⇒


– Hence proved.