Two billiard balls, each of mass 0.05 kg, moving in opposite directions with speed 6 ms-1 collide and rebound with the same speed. What is the impulse imparted to each ball due to the other?
Two billiard balls, each of mass 0.05 kg, moving in opposite directions with speed 6 ms-1 collide and rebound with the same speed. What is the impulse imparted to each ball due to the other?

Each ball has a mass of 0.05 kg.

Each ball’s initial velocity is 6 m/s.

Before the impact, each ball’s initial momentum

0.3 kg m/s = 0.05 x 6

The direction of motion of the balls changes after the impact, but the amount of the velocity remains constant.

Final momentum after the first ball collides = –0.05 x 6 = –0.3 kg m/s

After the second ball collides, the final momentum is 0.3 kg m/s.

The initial ball received an impulse of (-0.3) – (0.3) = – 0.6 kg m/s.

The second ball received an impulse of (0.3) – (-0.3) = 0.6 kg m/s.

In terms of direction, the two impulses are in opposition.