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Trace the events starting from the coming in contact with Rhizobium to a leguminous root till nodule formation. Add a note on the importance of leghemoglobin.

Solution: Following are the events from the first interaction with Rhizobium through the production of nodules on a leguminous root-

Event 1: Follow the events from the first interaction with Rhizobium through the production of nodules on a leguminous root. Include a remark about the significance of leghemoglobin.

Event 2: The bacteria enter the root hairs through the curling of the root hair cells.

Event 3: An infection thread forms once the pathogen enters the root hair.

Which transports the germs to the root’s cortex.

Event 4: The formation of the cortical nodule is the fourth event. 

Event 5: The development of nitrogen-fixing cells takes occurs in Event 5.

Event 6: Avascular communication with the host is established for the exchange of nutrients. Leghaemoglobin is an oxygen molecule scavenger that aids the nitrogen fixation enzyme nitrogenase, which only acts in the presence of oxygen.