Three coins are tossed. Describe (iii) Two events, which are not mutually exclusive. (iv) Two events which are mutually exclusive but not exhaustive.
Three coins are tossed. Describe (iii) Two events, which are not mutually exclusive. (iv) Two events which are mutually exclusive but not exhaustive.

(iii) Two events, which are not mutually exclusive

Suppose $A$ be the event of getting at least two heads

$A = \left( {HHH,HHT,THH,HTH} \right)$

Suppose $B$ be the event of getting only head

$B = {\text{ }}\left( {HHH} \right)$

So, $A\; \cap \;B{\text{ }} = {\text{ }}\left( {HHH,{\text{ }}HHT,{\text{ }}THH,{\text{ }}HTH} \right){\text{ }} \cap {\text{ }}\left( {HHH} \right)$

$A \cap B = (HHH)$

$A \cap B = \varphi $

As there is no common element in $A$ and $B$ so these two are not mutually exclusive.

(iv) Two events which are mutually exclusive but not exhaustive

Suppose $P$ to be the event of getting only Head

$P{\text{ }} = \;\left( {HHH} \right)$

Suppose $Q$ to be the event of getting only tail

$Q{\text{ }} = \;\left( {TTT} \right)$

$P\; \cap \;Q{\text{ }} = \;\left( {HHH} \right){\text{ }} \cap {\text{ }}\left( {TTT} \right)$

$P \cap Q = {\text{ }}\varphi $

As there is no common element in $P$ and $Q$.

Thus, they are mutually exclusive.


$P\; \cup \;Q{\text{ }} = {\text{ }}\left( {HHH} \right)\; \cup \;\left( {TTT} \right)$

$P \cup Q = \;\left\{ {HHH,{\text{ }}TTT} \right\}$

$P \cup Q{\text{ }} \ne {\text{ }}S$

$\;P \cup \;Q\; \ne \;S$

Thus, $P$, $Q$ and $S$ are not exhaustive events.