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The marked price and the rate of sales tax of different items are given below. Calculate the amount to be paid for each of them:

S. No.ItemMarked PriceRate of Sales Tax
(i)Walkman₹ 1,750.008.5%
(ii)Washing machine₹14,840.007.5%
(iii)Computer₹ 32,725.0012%
(iv)Sofa set₹ 16,000.0011.5%
(v)T.V.₹ 28,975.0016%
(vi)Jacket₹ 1,260.0010%
(vii)Camera₹ 4,500.009%
(viii)Air conditioner₹ 21,650.0014%


Marked price $=₹32,725$Rate of sales tax =$12%$

Sales tax = (marked price × rate of sale tax$/100$

$=\left( 32,725\times 12 \right)/100$

= ₹$3,927$

 Amount = marked price + sales tax

= ₹$32,725+$₹$3,927$

= ₹$36,652$


Marked price = ₹$16,000$, Rate of sales tax =$11.5%$

Sales tax = (marked price × rate of sale tax)$/100$

$=\left( 16,000\times 11.5 \right)/100$

= ₹$1,840$

 Amount = marked price + sales tax

= ₹$16,000+$₹$1,840$

= ₹$17,840$