The channel cleaner, Drainex contains little pieces of aluminum which respond with scathing soft drink to create dihydrogen. What volume of dihydrogen at 20 °C and one bar will be delivered when 0.15g of aluminum responds?
The channel cleaner, Drainex contains little pieces of aluminum which respond with scathing soft drink to create dihydrogen. What volume of dihydrogen at 20 °C and one bar will be delivered when 0.15g of aluminum responds?


Aluminum responds with scathing soft drink as per the response


The response of aluminum with scathing soft drink can be addressed as:


\[2Al\text{ }+\text{ }2NaOH\text{ }+\text{ }2H2O\text{ }\to \text{ }2NaAlO2\text{ }+\text{ }3H2\]

Thusly volume of hydrogen at STP delivered when 0.15g of Al reactsv



=0.15\text{ }x\text{ }3\text{ }x\text{ }22.4/54\text{ }=\text{ }187ml  \\

~  \\

Presently\text{ }P1~=\text{ }1\text{ }bar,  \\

~  \\

P2~=\text{ }1\text{ }bar  \\

~  \\

T1~=\text{ }273\text{ }K  \\

~  \\

T2~=\text{ }20\text{ }+\text{ }273\text{ }=\text{ }293\text{ }K  \\

~  \\

V1~=\text{ }187\text{ }ml  \\

~  \\

V2~=\text{ }x  \\


At the point when strain is held constant,then


\[V2~=\text{ }P1~V1~T2~/P2~T1\]

Or then again


\[x\text{ }=\text{ }1\text{ }X\text{ }187\text{ }X\text{ }293~/~0.987\text{ }X\text{ }273\text{ }=\text{ }201\text{ }ml\]

Thusly, 201 mL of dihydrogen will be delivered