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Show that for any sets A and B, A = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A – B) and A ∪ (B – A) = (A ∪ B)


We need to Prove,

$A=(A \cap B) \cup(A-B)$

Proof: Let $x \in A$

We need to show

$X \in(A \cap B) \cup(A-B)$

In Case I, $X \in(A \cap B)$ $\Rightarrow X \in(A \cap B) \subset(A \cup B) \cup(A-B)$

In Case II, $X \notin A \cap B$ $\Rightarrow X \notin B$ or $X \notin A$ $\Rightarrow X \notin B(X \notin A)$

$\Rightarrow X \notin A-B \subset(A \cup B) \cup(A-B)$ $\therefore A \subset(A \cap B) \cup(A-B)(i)$

In Case II,

As a result, it can be concluded that, $A \cap B \subset A$ and $(A-B) \subset A$ Therefore, $(A \cap B) \cup(A-B) \subset A$ (ii)

Now equating (i) and (ii),

$A=(A \cap B) \cup(A-B)$

We also need to show,

Let’s suppose,

X \in A \cup(B-A) \\
X \in A \text { or } X \in(B-A)

\Rightarrow X \in A \text { or }(X \in B \text { and } X \notin A) \\
\Rightarrow(X \in A \text { or } X \in B) \text { and }(X \in A \text { and } X \notin A) \\
\Rightarrow X \in(B \cup A) \\
\therefore A \cup(B-A) \subset(A \cup B)(i i i)

As per the question,

We need to prove:

(A \cup B) \subset A \cup(B-A) \\
\text { Let } y \in A \cup B \\
Y \in A \text { or } y \in B

(y \in A \text { or } y \in B) \text { and }(X \in A \text { and } X \notin A) \\
\Rightarrow y \in A \text { or }(y \in B \text { and } y \notin A) \\
\Rightarrow y \in A \cup(B-A)

Therefore, $A \cup B \subset A \cup(B-A)$ (iv)

$\therefore$ from equations (iii) and (iv), we obtain:

$A \cup(B-A)=A \cup B$