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Show that A$(-3,2)$, B$(-5,5)$, C$(2,-3)$ and D$(4,4)$ are the vertices of a rhombus.

Given that the points are A$(-3,2)$, B$(-5,5)$, C$(2,-3)$ and D$(4,4)$

So, Coordinates of the mid-point of AC are $(-3+2/2,2-3/2)=(-1/2,-1/2)$


The Coordinates of mid-point of BD are $(-5+4/2,-5+4/2)=(-1/2,-1/2)$

Therefore, the mid-point for both the diagonals are the same. Thus, ABCD is a parallelogram.

up next, the sides

It is clear that ABCD is a parallelogram with adjacent sides equal.

Hence, ABCD is a rhombus.





