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Prove the following identities, where the angles involved are acute angles for which the expressions are defined.

(i) (cosec θ – cot θ)= (1-cos θ)/(1+cos θ)

(ii) cos A/(1+sin A) + (1+sin A)/cos A = 2 sec A


(i) (cosec θ – cot θ)= (1-cos θ)/(1+cos θ)

Take the Left-Hand Side (L.H.S) of the given equation to prove the Right-Hand Side (R.H.S)

L.H.S. = (cosec θ – cot θ)2

Expand the given equation, which is written as (a-b)2.

As we know (a-b)2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab

Here a = cosec θ and b = cot θ

= (cosec2θ + cot2θ – 2cosec θ cot θ)

To simplify, we need to apply the equivalent ratios and the corresponding inverse functions

= (1/sin2θ + cos2θ/sin2θ – 2cos θ/sin2θ)

= (1 + cos2θ – 2cos θ)/(1 – cos2θ)

= (1-cos θ)2/(1 – cosθ)(1+cos θ)

= (1-cos θ)/(1+cos θ) = R.H.S.

As a result, (cosec θ – cot θ)= (1-cos θ)/(1+cos θ)

Hence proved.

(ii)  (cos A/(1+sin A)) + ((1+sin A)/cos A) = 2 sec A

We need to take the Left Hand Side(L.H.S) of the equation

L.H.S. = (cos A/(1+sin A)) + ((1+sin A)/cos A)

= [cos2A + (1+sin A)2]/(1+sin A)cos A

= (cos2A + sin2A + 1 + 2sin A)/(1+sin A) cos A

As we know, cos2A + sin2A = 1, so it can be written as,

= (1 + 1 + 2sin A)/(1+sin A) cos A

= (2+ 2sin A)/(1+sin A)cos A

= 2(1+sin A)/(1+sin A)cos A

= 2/cos A = 2 sec A = Right Hand Side (R.H.S.)

L.H.S. = R.H.S.

(cos A/(1+sin A)) + ((1+sin A)/cos A) = 2 sec A

As a result, hence proved.