Numerator and denominator of fraction has sum is $12$. If $3$ is added in the denominator, the fraction becomes $12$. Find the fraction so obtained.
Numerator and denominator of fraction has sum is $12$. If $3$ is added in the denominator, the fraction becomes $12$. Find the fraction so obtained.

Let the numerator be A and the denominator be B.

So, the required fraction is $A/B$.


The sum of the numerator and denominator of the fraction is $12$.




If $3$ is added in the denominator, the fraction becomes $12$

Use this equation which is given in the question, 





Hence, two equations are,

$A+B–12=0$…… (a)

$2A–B-3=0$…….. (b)

Add (a) and (b), we will get





Use the obtained value of $A=5$ in (a), and find B




Therefore, the fraction is $5/7$.