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7. Name two cell-organelles that are double membrane-bound. What are the characteristics of these two organelles? State their functions and draw labelled diagrams of both.


Two organelles that are double membrane-bound are i) Mitochondria ii) Chloroplasts

Characteristics of mitochondria

The mitochondrion is a double membrane-bound structure, with the outer and inner membranes partitioning the lumen into two aqueous compartments, the outer and inner compartments, respectively.

  • Mitochondria is semi-autonomous as they possess their own DNA.
  • Mitochondria is the place of aerobic respiration.

Characteristics of Chloroplasts

  • They can be found in plants and euglenoids, with a variety of shapes in lower plants and a disc-shaped shape in higher plants.
  • They contain particular pigments that give the plants’ leaves colour.
  • Chloroplasts have their own DNA; pigments help to capture sunlight, which aids photosynthesis; and thylakoids are membrane-flattened sacs found in their matrix. Thylakoids are stacked in some places and are known as gana.