Solution: The claim that contemporary ways of growing animals and plants can help ease the global food deficit is valid. When we compare the state of food security during World War II to the current condition, we can conclude that food security in modern times is far better than it was previously. This may have been achievable due to improved plant and livestock types. Food processing and preservation technology played a role in this as well, but only to a limited extent. Here are few examples to demonstrate this:
1. MOET: Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology (MOET) is a technique used in animal husbandry to improve fertilization success rates during artificial insemination. In this case, a hormone with FSH-like action is given to the cow.
2. SINGLE CELL PROTEIN: For animal and human nutrition, single-cell protein is employed as an alternative source of protein. It is advantageous since the microorganisms are produced in large quantities.
3. BIOFORTIFICATION: Biofortification is a method of cultivating crops with higher quantities of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, and lipids, among other things.
4. TISSUE CULTURE: Tissue culture is a technique for mass-producing thousands of plants of the same species.