1. Mention one difference between the following on the basis of what is given in brackets.(a) Respiration and photosynthesis (gas released)
1. Mention one difference between the following on the basis of what is given in brackets.(a) Respiration and photosynthesis (gas released)

(b) Light and dark reactions (products formed)

(c) Producers and consumers (mode of nutrition)

(d) Grass and grasshopper (mode of nutrition)

(e) Chlorophyll and chloroplast (part of plant cell)

Solution :

  • Respiration and photosynthesis ( gas released )
All animals and plants , respire by oxidizing carbohydrates in their cells to generate  energy and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.Green plants which are the producers utilize  carbon dioxide of the air to generate  carbohydrates and give out  oxygen to the atmosphere.
  •  Light and dark reactions (products formed)
Light reactionDark reaction
Light reaction involves the trapping of energy by chlorophyll, and this energy is utilized  in splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen (photolysis) and in giving rise to  ATP.Dark reaction includes  the carrying of hydrogen from NADPH via a series of chemical reaction, to combine with CO2 to generate  C6H12O6 by using energy from ATP.
  • Producers and consumers (mode of nutrition)
All green plants manufacture their own food. Therefore, they are called autotrophs (self-nutrition).Animals obtain their food from plants either directly by eating their part, or indirectly by eating the plant-eater. Animals are heterotrophic (different nutrition)
  • Grass and grasshopper (mode of nutrition)
Grass is a producer. It manufactures its own food by photosynthesis.The Grasshopper eats up the grass
  • Chlorophyll and chloroplast (part of plant cell)
Chlorophyll is the green colouring matter seen in plants. It is present in microscopic cell organelles called chloroplasts.Chloroplasts are minute oval bodies bounded by a double membrane, and their interior contains closely packed flattened sacs arranged in piles lying in a colourless ground substance called the stroma.