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Match the plant and the part in relation to Vegetative Propagation. 1) Dahlia a) Eyes 2) Solanum tuberosum b) Runner 3) Begonia c) Fasciculated tuberous roots 4) Cynodon d) Epiphyllous buds A) (1) – c, (2) – a, (3) – b, (4) – d B) (1) – d, (2) – a, (3) – b, (4) – c C) (1) – c, (2) – a, (3) – d, (4) – b D) (1) – b, (2) – c, (3) – a, (4) – d

Correct option:(C)(1) – c, (2) – a, (3) – d, (4) – b


  • Dahlia plant is propagated by fasciculated tuberous roots.
  • Solanum tuberosum is potato.
  • It is propagated with the help of eyes in the potato tuber.
  • Begonia is propagated by epiphyllous buds arising from leaves.
  • Cyanadon is a variety of grass.
  • It is propagated by the runner.