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In which phase of meiosis is the following formed? Choose the answers from hint points given below.
a. Synaptonemal complex ____________________________
b. Recombination nodules ____________________________
c. Appearance/activation of ____________________________ enzyme recombinase
d. Termination of chiasmata _ ___________________________
e. Interkinesis ____________________________
f. Formation of dyad of cells _ ___________________________
Hints : 1) Zygotene, 2) Pachytene, 3) Pachytene, 4) Diakinesis, 5) After Telophase-I /before Meosis-II, 6) Telophase-I /After Meiosis-I.


  • During meiosis, a protein structure called the synaptonemal complex (SC) arises between homologous chromosomes (two pairs of sister chromatids) and is visible in the zygotene stage because pairing and synapsis occur there.  

 Hence, a. Zygotene

  • As the complex comes together, recombination nodules appear between homologous chromosomes. These nodules are similar in size and number to the recombination complexes that develop in leptotene and mainly disappear by zygotene’s end.

Hence, b. Zygotene

  • Crossing over is an enzymatic process that occurs during prophase-1’s pachytene stage. Recombinase, an enzyme involved in this process, aids in the recombination of genes between homologous chromosomes.

Hence, c. Pachytene

  • The two homologous chromosomes do not entirely separate, but they stay linked at one or more sites, as shown by Chiasmata in the X configurations. Terminalization refers to the displacement of the Chiasmata, which occurs during the Diakinesis stage.

Hence, d. Diakinesis

  • The phase between two meiotic divisions is known as interkinesis. It is usually a one-time occurrence.

Hence, e. After telophase I/before meiosis

  • At prophase I, the paired chromosomes are referred to as tetrad or bivalent. A monad is a chromosome that has only one chromatid. It’s a dyad if it has two chromatids.

Hence, f. After Telophase I/after meiosis I