In the preparation of HNO3, we get NO gas by catalytic oxidation of ammonia. The moles of NO produced by the oxidation of two moles of NH3 will be ______.
In the preparation of HNO3, we get NO gas by catalytic oxidation of ammonia. The moles of NO produced by the oxidation of two moles of NH3 will be ______.

(i) 2

(ii) 3

(iii) 4

(iv) 6


Correct Answer: (i) 2

Explanation: In the preparation of HNO3, we get NO gas by catalytic oxidation of ammonia. The moles of NO produced by the oxidation of two moles of NH3 will be 2.

Reaction Involved – 4NH3 + 5O2  ​→  4NO + 6H2​O