Hundred rupee shares of a company are available in the market at a premium of Rs 20. Find the rate of dividend given by the company, when a man’s return on his investment is 15%.
Hundred rupee shares of a company are available in the market at a premium of Rs 20. Find the rate of dividend given by the company, when a man’s return on his investment is 15%.


Nominal worth of \[1\text{ }offer\text{ }=\text{ }Rs\text{ }100\]

Furthermore, the market worth of \[=\text{ }Rs100\text{ }+\text{ }Rs\text{ }20\text{ }=\text{ }Rs120\]

(as the premium is Rs 20)

Likewise given, the benefit \[percent\] on venture of \[1\text{ }offer\text{ }=\text{ }15percent\]

Then, at that point, benefit \[=\text{ }15percent\text{ }of\text{ }Rs\text{ }120\text{ }=\text{ }Rs\text{ }18\]


Profit \[percent\text{ }=\text{ }18/100\text{ }x\text{ }100\text{ }=\text{ }18percent\]