Given below are two statements p: 25 is a multiple of 5. q: 25 is a multiple of 8. Write the compound statements connecting these two statements with “And” and “Or”. In both cases check the validity of the compound statement.
Given below are two statements p: 25 is a multiple of 5. q: 25 is a multiple of 8. Write the compound statements connecting these two statements with “And” and “Or”. In both cases check the validity of the compound statement.

The compound assertion with \[‘And’\] is as per the following

\[25\]is a various of \[5\text{ }and\text{ }8\]

This is bogus articulation since \[25\] is definitely not a numerous of \[8\]

The compound assertion with \[~’Or’\] is as per the following

\[25\]is a different of \[5\text{ }or\text{ }8\]

This is valid explanation since \[25\] is anything but a numerous of \[8\] yet it is a various of \[5\]