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31. Give reason for the following:(a) The walls of the left ventricle are thicker than the walls of all the chambers.(b) Blood flowing away from the stomach and intestines is put into circulation via the liver and not directly. (c) The blood groups of both the donor and recipient must be known before transfusing blood.

(d) Only the veins and not the arteries are provided with valves.

(e) Atrial wall is less muscular than the ventricular wall.(f) The arteries are deep seated in the body

Solution –

  • The walls of the left ventricle are thicker than the walls of all the chambers.

Answer  – this is so because the left ventricle has to pump blood to the farthest points in the body and also to the brain which is against the gravity .  

  • Blood flowing away from the stomach and intestines is put into circulation via the liver and not directly .

Answer – The veins starting from the stomach and intestine first enter liver as a combined hepatic portal vein breaks up into capillaries .

  • The blood groups of both the donor and recipient must be known before transfusing blood.

Answer – it is important that the blood groups should be known and they should be matched then only transfusion should be done . This is so because the RBCs contain specific proteins on their surface known as antigens

  • Only the veins and not the arteries are provided with valves.

Answer – this is because the veins carry blood from an organ towards the heart . So to prevent backflow of blood they have valves .

  • Atrial wall is less muscular than the ventricular wall.

Answer – this is so because the ventricles have to pump the blood top the farthest part of the body .

  • The arteries are deep seated in the body.

Answer – Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the tissues . The flow of blood in arteries is under high pressure . If they are superficially located then may be they get damaged , so to prevent they are deep seated .