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Give a few examples of biofortified crops. What benefits do they offer to society?

Solution: Golden rice (fortified with vitamin A, iron, and zinc), sweet potato (fortified with beta carotene), vitamin A enriched carrot, iron-enriched bitter gourd, and other biofortified crops. Hybrid maize (It has twice the number of amino acids, lysine, and tryptophan.) Atlas 66 is a wheat cross (It has high protein content.) Biofortified crops include iron-fortified rice (which has five times the amount of iron as regular rice) and others.

Crops that have been biofortified have the following advantages:

  1. Biofortified crops hold a lot of promise for society.
  2. These are especially beneficial for persons who may be experiencing ‘hidden hunger.’
  3. Many poor people only get enough food to survive. However, they do not get the majority of the nutrients from their meal.
  4. As a result, malnutrition and associated disorders are common among these people.
  5. Anemia, night blindness, rickets, and other diseases are widespread among the impoverished. These issues can be solved by supplying biofortified foods.