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Find the local maxima and local minima, if any, of the following functions. Find also the local maximum and the local minimum values, as the case may be: (iii) h(x) = sin x + cos x, 0 2 x π < < (iv) f(x) = sin x – cos x, 0 2 < < π

(iii) Given:         ……….(i)







   can have values in both I and III quadrant.

But,  therefore,  is only in I quadrant.

  =  [Turning point]



 =  =   [Negative]

   is a point of local maxima and local maximum value

(iv) Given:         ……….(i)







   can have values in both II and IV quadrant.




   and    [Turning point]

At   = 


 =   [Negative]

   is a point of local maxima and local maximum value = 




 =      [Positive]

   is a point of local maxima and local maximum value = 
