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Find the least number which when divides 35, 56 and 91 leaves the same remainder 7 in each case.


Least number which can be divided by 35, 56 and 91 is LCM of 35, 56 and 91.

Prime factorization of 35, 56 and 91:

35 = 5 × 7

56 = 23 × 7

91 = 7 × 13

LCM = 23 × 5 × 7 × 13

LCM = 3640

Least number which can be divided by 35, 56 and 91 is 3640.

Least number which when divided by 35, 56 and 91 leaves the same remainder,

7 is 3640 + 7 => 3647.

The number is 3647.