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Fill in the following blanks with suitable words: c) The magnetic effect of a coil can be increased by increasing the number of ………, increasing the …….., or inserting an …. core.
d) If a coil is viewed from one end and the current flows in an anticlockwise direction, then this end is a pole.


(c) The magnetic effect of a coil can be increased by increasing the number of turns increasing the current or inserting an iron core.


The strength of an electromagnet can be raised in three ways:

1. By increasing the number of turns in the coil.

  1. By boosting the current via the electromagnet’s coil.
  2. By shortening the air gap between the electromagnet’s poles.

(d) If a coil is viewed from one end and the current flows in an anticlockwise direction, then this end is a north pole.


The clock rule determines the coil’s polarity. If we face one end of the coil and the current travels counterclockwise, we get the North Pole and the South Pole.