Explain the following terms: (ii) Coagulation
(iii) Dialysis
(iv)Tyndall effect
Explain the following terms: (ii) Coagulation
(iii) Dialysis
(iv)Tyndall effect





(i) Electrophoresis: It is the process of causing colloidal particles to move randomly in response to an applied electric field. The anode attracts negatively charged particles, while the cathode attracts positively charged particles. The particles become neutral and coagulate as they reach oppositely charged electrodes.

(ii) Coagulation: It is the process of converting a colloid into a precipitate, as well as the process of colloidal particles settling down.

(iii) Dialysis: It is the process of removing a dissolved chemical from a colloidal solution by diffusion via a membrane. The essential concept of this process is that small molecules and ions, unlike colloidal particles, can flow through mammalian membranes.


(iv) The Tyndall effect: It occurs when a beam of light passes through a colloidal solution and appears as a column of light. Because colloidal particles scatter light in all directions, this effect occurs.