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During a dihybrid cross with contrasting characters in the F2 generation parental genotypes will appear in _________ ratio. A) 16 1 B) 16 2 C) 16 3 D) 16

Correct option:(B)


  • Dihybrid cross, a plant with yellow colour round seeds(YYRR) is crossed to green colour wrinkled(yyrr) seeds.
  • In the F1 generation, plant with yellow colour wrinkled seeds(YyRr) are formed.
  • When F1 plant is subjected to self pollination, in the F2 generation 1YYRR, 2 YYRr, 2YyRR, 4YyRr, 1YYrr, 2Yyrr, 1yyRR, 2yyRr, 1yyrr are formed genotypically and 9 plants are Yellow round, 3 plants are yellow wrinkled, 3 plants are green round and 1 plant is green wrinkled are formed phenotypically.