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Distinguish between pollination and fertilization. Mention the site and product of fertilization in a flower. Draw a neat, labeled diagram of a pistil showing pollen tube growth and its entry into the ovule.


Pollination Fertilization
Pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma of a flower. It is the result of the union of male and female gametes.
Achieved by natural forces such as wind, water, and animals. Achieved by the growth of the pollen tube so that the male gamete reaches the female germ cells.
This results in fertilization. Seeds are formed as a result of this process.
Pollination is an external process that occurs in the female’s ovary. The ovary is the site of fertilization and pollination occurs externally.

This is the diagram of an ovule-

A) Draw a diagram showing germination of pollen on stigma of a flower B)  Label pollen grain, male germ - Science - How do Organisms Reproduce -  7164445 |

Germination of stigma by pollen