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Distinguish between:

a. Bract and Bracteole

b. Pulvinus and petiole

c. Pedicel and peduncle

d. Spike and spadix

e. Stamen and staminode

f. Pollen and pollinium


a. A bract is an accessory leafy organ present at the base of the pedicle or the inflorescence whereas bracteolate is a scale-like leaf present between bract and flower.

b. Pulvinus is swollen leaf base present in the leguminous plants whereas petiole is a subcylindrical stalk that connects the leaf base with the lamina.

c. The pedicle is a stalk of flower and the peduncle is a stalk of the whole inflorescence

d. Spike is that the flowers are sessile that develop on an elongated peduncle in acropetal succession whereas spadix is flowerless, and is covered by one of the few large bracts called a spadix. Spike is bisexual whereas spadix is unisexual.

e. Stamen represents a male reproductive organ whereas sterile, underdeveloped stamen is called staminode.

f. Pollen is a male gametophyte of angiosperms consisting of male gametes, whereas pollenium is the coherent mass of pollen grains.