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Differentiate between the following?

(i) red algae and brown algae

(ii) liverworts and moss

(iii) homosporous and heterosporous pteridophyte

(iv) syngamy and triple fusion

  1. Red algae is contain chlorophyll A and chlorophyll D but brown algae contain chlorophyll A and C.
  2. Phycobilins are present in red algae but brown algae do not contain phycobilins.
  3. If red algae is reserving food in the form of floridian starch, it act as laminarin in brown algae.
  4. Red algae are not flagellated, and brown algae are flagellated.


  1. There is no proton ema phase present in the liverworts and the life cycle in the moss begins with the stage of proton ema
  2. If the plant body is dorsoventral in liverworts, the algal part of plant body is separated like a stem-axis.

iii) Homosporous contains only one type of spores whereas heterosporous will have morphologically type of different spores in different sporangia.

iv) Syngamy is the fusion of the male gamete with an ovum whereas triple fusion is the fusion of another male gamete with two polar nuclei.