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1. Define growth, differentiation, development, dedifferentiation, development, redifferentiation, determinate growth, meristem and growth rate.


Growth – It is a permanent, irreversible rise in the size of an organ, its parts, or even a single cell. Growth is aided by metabolic activities that occur as a result of the energy available.

Differentiation – Root apical and shoot-apical meristems, as well as cambium cells, develop and mature to execute specialised roles. Differentiation is the process that leads to maturation.

Development – Development refers to all of an organism’s changes throughout the course of its life.

Dedifferentiation – Plants that have lost their ability to divide can regain it under certain circumstances. Dedifferentiation is the term for this phenomenon. Meristem formation is an example.

Redifferentiation – Redifferentiated cells have lost their ability to divide but have matured to perform certain roles as a result of dedifferentiation.

Determinate growth – Determinate growth refers to a cell’s, tissue’s, or organism’s ability to grow for a set amount of time. Most plant growth is indefinite, with some plants reaching a plateau and subsequently ceasing to grow.

Meristem – Meristem is a type of plant tissue that contains undifferentiated cells (meristematic cells).

Growth rate – A growth rate is the amount of growth per unit of time.