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Complete the following statement :

a. In cockroach grinding of food particle is performed by ____________

b. Malpighian tubules help in removal of ___________________________

c. Hind gut of cockroach is differentiated into ______________________

d. In cockroach blood vessels open into spaces called ___________

A.In cockroach grinding of food particle is performed by gizzard.

Expaination –

Gizzard is the part of a stomach in which food is changed into smaller pieces before it can be digested.

B.Malpighian tubules help in removal of Nitrogenous excretory products.


Malpighian tubules perform the main function for the regulation and control of haemolymph composition and volume

C.The hindgut of cockroach is differentiated into ileum, colon and rectum.


ileum-the final and longest segment of the small intestine.

Colon-its main function is Absorption of water and ions occur through rectum.

Rectum- An important function of the rectum in terrestrial insects is the removal of water from the faeces

D.In cockroach blood vessels open into spaces called Haemocoel.


haemocoel is the main body cavity of invertebrates