
Q74) A man working in a furnace room suffered from asphyxiation. What should be the main reason? 1. More O2 level in the furnace room. 2. CO poisoning due to high CO level in the furnace room. 3. More O2 as well as fumes in the furnace room. 4. Less O2 level in the furnace room.

Correct option: 2 Explanation: The man suffered from asphyxiation because of CO poisoning due to high CO level in the furnace room. Carbon monoxide is a harmful gas that combines with haemoglobin to...

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Q57) Match the column I with column II and select the correct option. Column I Column II A. Tidal volume i) 2500-3000 ml B. Inspiratory reserve volume ii) 1000 ml C. Residual volume iii) 4500 ml D. Vital capacity iv) 500 ml 1. A- iii, B- iv, C-i, D-ii 2. A- ii, B- iii, C-iv, D-i 3. A- iv, B- i, C-ii, D-iii 4. A- iv, B- ii, C-iii, D-i

Correct option: 3 Explanation: Normal tidal volume in human beings is 500 ml. Inspiratory reserve volume is 2500 – 3000 ml. It is defined as the amount of air that can be forcibly inhaled after a...

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Q34) Match the process in column I with its explanation in column II and select the correct option. Column I column II i) Symport a) shrinking of protoplasm in a plant cell when placed in hypertonic solution. ii) Facilitated diffusion b) transport of two types of molecules in same direction across cell membrane iii) Antiport c) selective transport of molecules across the membrane through proteins iv) Plasmolysis d) selective transport of molecules in opposite direction across cell membrane 1. (i) – a, (ii) – d, (iii) – c, (iv) – b, 2. (i) – b, (ii) – c, (iii) – d, (iv) – a, 3. (i) – b, (ii) – a, (iii) – c, (iv) – d, 4. (i) – b, (ii) – a, (iii) – c, (iv) – d,

Correct option: 2 Explanation: Symport means transport of two types of molecules in the  same direction across cell membrane. Facilitated diffusion is selective transport of molecules across the...

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Q29) With reference to human beings, find out the mis-match pair. 1. Insemination – discharge of semen into the vagina of a female. 2. Implantation – setting of zygote in the endometrium uterus 3. Menopause – total arrest of menstrual cycle forever. 4. Menarche – beginning of menstrual cycle for the first time in life

Correct option: 1 Explanation: Implantation is the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine lining. The zygote usually implants at the top of the uterus, near where it exits the fallopian...

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Q26) Match the correct phenotype and genotype of Drosophilia for their wing sizes. Phenotype Genotype i) Normal wings a) vgno ii) Nicked wings b) vg iii) Notched wings c) vg+ iv) Strap wings d) vgst v) Vestigial wing e) vgni 1. (i)-e, (ii)-d, (iii)-c, (iv)-b, (v)-a 2. (i)-a, (ii)-b, (iii)-c, (iv)-d, (v)-e 3. (i)-d, (ii)-a, (iii)-b, (iv)-e, (v)-c 4. (i)-c, (ii)-e,MHCET(iii)-a, (iv)-d, (v)-b

Correct option: 4 Explanation: In Drosophilia normal wings are related to vg+( vestigial wings ). In Drosophilia nicked wings are related to vgni In Drosophilia notched wings are related to vgno In...

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Q16) Match the column I with column II and select the correct option. Column I column II a) Female banded krait i) Humulin b) Pancreas from dog ii) DNA sample c) Hair root of human iii) insulin extracted and purified d) E.coli iv) DNA probe 1. a-i b-ii c-iv d-iii 2. a-ii b-I c-iii d-iv 3. a-iii b-iv c-ii d-i 4. a-iv b-iii c-ii d-i

Correct option: 4 Explanation: A segment of DNA was isolated from sex determining Y chromosome of female banded krait, an Indian poisonous snake. Insulin extracted from dog must be purified to...

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Q13) What is true about C4 plants _______ . 1. C3 pathway reactions take place in bundle sheath chloroplast and C4 pathway reactions in mesophyll chloroplast. 2. Both reactions occur in mesophyll chloroplast. 3. Both reactions occur in bundle sheath chloroplast. 4. C3 pathway reactions take place in mesophyll chloroplast and C4 pathway reactions in bundle sheath chloroplast.

Correct option: 1 Explanation: In C4 plants, C3 pathway reactions take place in bundle sheath chloroplast and C4 pathway reactions in mesophyll chloroplast. In C4 plants, photosynthesis takes place...

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Q3) The process of non-cyclic photophosphorylation occurs in ________. 1. Aerobic conditions, high CO2 conc. And low light intensity. 2. Anaerobic conditions, high CO2 conc. and enough light intensity. 3. Aerobic conditions, high CO2 conc. and enough light intensity. 4. Aerobic conditions, low CO2 conc. and enough light intensity.

Correct option- 3 Explanation: In the process of photosynthesis, the phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP by using the energy of sunlight is known as photophosphorylation.

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Q1) Match the column I with column II and select the correct option. Column I column II A. Fibrinogen i) contractions in female reproductive tract B. Fructose ii) prevent fungal infection C. Prostaglandins iii) coagulation of semen D. Lactobacilli in vagina iv) source of energy 1. A(ii), B-(iii), C(iv), D(i) 2. A-(i), B(ii), C(iii), D(iv) 3. A(iii), B(iv), C(i), D(ii) 4. A(iv), B(i), C(ii), D(iii)

Solution: correct option – 3 Explanation: Fibrinogen helps in the coagulation of semen after ejaculation. Fructose is a source of energy. Prostaglandins help in contractions in the female...

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Q90. Choose the CORRECT group of labellings A) I – Trophoblast, II – Archenteron, III – Micromeres B) I – Trophoblast, II – Blastocoel, III – Megameres C) I – Trophoblast, II – Archenteron, III – Inner mass cells D) I – Trophoblast, II – Blastocoel, III – Inner mass

Correct option: D Explanation: The trophoblast is the outer layer of the blastocyst consisting of cells. It surrounds the inner cell mass and a fluid-filled cavity known as blastocoel.

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Q89) Match the following : i. Mercury a. Low blood pressure, blindness ii. Lead b. Hyperkeratosis, Liver cirrhosis iii. Arsenic c. Bone deformation, testicular atrophy iv. Cadmium d. Abdominal pain, haemolysis e. Anaemia, convulsions A) i-e, ii-d, iii-c, iv-b B) i-d, ii-e, iii-b, iv-c C) i-c, ii-b, iii-d, iv-a D) i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-e

Correct option: B Explanation: Mercury if ingested causes abdominal pain. Lead causes anaemia and convulsions. Excessive intake of arsenic leads to liver cirrhosis. Cadmium causes abdominal leads to...

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The correct sequence of cytochromes as per their involvement in ETS of respiration is… (1) cyto.a -> cyto.b -> cyto.c1 -> cyto.c -> cyto.a3 (2) cyto.a3 -> cyto.a -> cyto.b -> cyto.c1 -> cyto.c (3) cyto.b -> cyto.c1 -> cyto.c -> cyto.a -> cyto.a3 (4) cyto.a -> cyto.c1 -> cyto.b -> cyto.c -> cyto.a3

Correct Answer: (3) cyto.b -> cyto.c1 -> cyto.c -> cyto.a -> cyto.a3 Explanation: The correct sequence of cytochromes as per their involvement in ETS of respiration is cyto.b ->...

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Read the following statements and select the one which explains “Factors” with reference to environment. (1) A particular place where organisms live (2) Environmental complex (3) External forces, substances or conditions, which can affect the living organism in one or the other way. (4) Organisms which not merely occupy the place but also specify functional role in the community

Correct Answer: (3) External forces, substances or conditions, which can affect the living organism in one or the other way. Explanation: Factors with reference to environment are the external...

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