
A pulley system has a velocity ratio 3. Draw a diagram showing the point of application and direction of load (L), effort (E) and tension (T). If lifts a load of 150 N by an effort of 60 N. Calculate its mechanical advantage. Is the pulley system ideal? Give reason.

Solutions: According to the question, Load is 150 N and Effort is 60 N Using the expression of Mechanical advantage, we have M.A. = Load / Effort = 150 / 60 M.A. = 2.5 The M.A. should be equal to n...

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A man uses a crowbar of length 1.5 m to raise a load of 75kgf by putting a sharp edge below the bar at a distance 1 m from his hand. (a) Draw a diagram of the arrangement showing the fulcrum (F), load (L) and effort (E) with their directions. (b) State the kind of lever. (c) Calculate: (i) load arm, (ii) effort arm, (iii) mechanical advantage, and (iv) the effort needed.

Solutions: As evident form the diagram, crowbar is a class I lever. According to the question - (i) Total length of crowbar is 1.5 m Effort arm is 1 m long Load arm then becomes 1.5 – 1 = 0.5 m long...

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