Exercise 31.6

Determine whether the argument used to check the validity of the following statement is correct: p: “If x2 is irrational, then x is rational.” The statement is true because the number x2 = π2 is irrational, therefore x = π is irrational.

Answer: Argument Used: x2 = π2 is irrational So, x = π is irrational. p: “If x2 is irrational, then x is rational.” Consider, An irrational number given by x = √k  [k is a rational number] Squaring...

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Which of the following statements are true and which are false? In each case give a valid reason for saying so (i) r: Circle is a particular case of an ellipse. (ii) s: If x and y are integers such that x > y, then – x < – y.

Answers: (i) r: Circle is a particular case of an ellipse. A circle can be an ellipse in a particular case when the circle has equal axes. The statement is true. (ii) s: If x and y are integers such...

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Which of the following statements are true and which are false? In each case give a valid reason for saying so (i) p: Each radius of a circle is a chord of the circle. (ii) q: The centre of a circle bisect each chord of the circle.

Answers: (i) p: Each radius of a circle is a chord of the circle. The Radius of the circle is not it chord. The statement is False. (ii) q: The centre of a circle bisect each chord of the circle. A...

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Check whether the following statement is true or not: (i) p: If x and y are odd integers, then x + y is an even integer. (ii) q : if x, y are integer such that xy is even, then at least one of x and y is an even integer.

Answers: (i) p: If x and y are odd integers, then x + y is an even integer. Conisder, p: x and y are odd integers. q: x + y is an even integer If p, then q. Let p be true. [x and y are odd integers]...

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