Exercise 1

Carefully observe the following figure
a. Name the technique shown in the figure and the scientist who demonstrated this technique for the first time.

b. Name at least three plants for which this technique can be employed for their commercial production.

c. What is the significance of aerating tube and feeding funnel in this setup?

Solution: The technology depicted in the diagram is hydroponics or soilless plant culture.Tomato, Lettuce, Marijuana, Pepper, and Cucumber. b) Tomato, Lettuce, Marijuana, Pepper, and...

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We find that Rhizobium forms nodules on the roots of leguminous plants. Also Frankiaanother microbe forms nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of non-leguminous plant Alnus.
a. Can we artificially induce the property of nitrogen fixation in a plant – leguminous or non-leguminous?

b. What kind of relationship is observed between mycorrhiza and pine trees?

c. Is it necessary for a microbe to be in close association with a plant to provide mineral nutrition? Explain with the help of one example.

Solution: Rhizobium develops nodules on the roots of leguminous plants, according to our findings. Another bacterium, Frankia, produces nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of the non-leguminous...

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It is observed that deficiency of a particular element showed its symptoms initially in older leaves and then in younger leaves.
a. Does it indicate that the element is actively mobilized or relatively immobile?

b. Name two highly mobile elements and two which are relatively immobile.

c. How is the aspect of the mobility of elements important to horticulture and agriculture?

Solution: It was discovered that the shortage of a specific element showed its symptoms first in older leaves and later in younger ones. a) If a deficiency of a certain element manifested itself...

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A farmer adds/ supplies Na, Ca, Mg and Fe regularly to his field and yet he observes that the plants show a deficiency of Ca, Mg and Fe. Give a valid reason and suggest a way to help the farmer improve the growth of plants.

Solution: A farmer frequently adds/supplies Na, Ca, Mg, and Fe to his field, but the plants still show signs of Ca, Mg, and Fe insufficiency. This is because when the pH is not maintained, the soil...

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How are the terms ‘critical concentration’ and ‘deficient’ different from each other in terms of the concentration of an essential element in plants? How will you find the values of ‘critical concentration’ and ‘deficient’ for minerals – Fe & Zn?

Solution: The critical concentration of essential elements is the concentration of essential elements below which plant growth stops, whereas the critical concentration of essential elements is the...

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With regard to the Biological Nitrogen Fixation by Rhizobium in association with soybean, which one of the following statement/ statements do not hold.
a. Nitrogenase may require oxygen for its functioning.

b. Nitrogenase is MO- Fe protein

c. Leg-haemoglobin is a pink coloured pigment.

d. Nitrogenase helps to convert N2 gas into two molecules of ammonia.

Solution: Nitrogenase is an enzyme that does not require oxygen to function. All nitrogen-fixing bacteria, on the other hand, have a specific structure called heterocysts that generate an anaerobic...

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Which one of the following symptoms is not due to manganese toxicity in plants?
a. Calcium translocation in shoot apex is inhibited

b. Deficiency in both Iron and Nitrogen is induced

c. The appearance of brown spot surrounded by chlorotic veins

d. None of the above

Solution: Due to an induced iron deficit, manganese toxicity commonly causes chlorosis (pale or yellow color), which is most severe on the younger leaves. In crops afflicted by manganese poisoning,...

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Deficiency symptoms of an element tend to appear first in young leaves. It indicates that the element is relatively immobile. Which one of the following elemental deficiency would show such symptoms?
a. sulphur

b. magnesium

c. nitrogen

d. potassium

Solution: Symptoms of an element deficiency usually occur first in young leaves. It suggests that sulfur is a relatively stationary element. Option (a) is the answer. So, the correct answer is...

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Which one of the following statements can best explain the term critical concentration of an essential element?
a. essential element concentration below which plant growth disregarded.

b. essential element concentration below which plant growth becomes stunted.

c. essential element concentration above which plant remains in the vegetative phase.

d. none of the above

Solution: The phrase "critical concentration" is used to describe the concentration of vital components below which plant growth is slowed or halted. In addition, if the concentrations of vital...

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Which one of the following roles is not characteristic of an essential element?
a. is a component of biomolecules

b. changing the chemistry of soil

c. being a structural component of energy-related chemical compounds

d. activation or inhibition of enzymes

Solution: It is easier to change a dirt's fruitfulness, which is a significant property than it is to change the dirt's physical features. The presence of dirt minerals, as well as seepage...

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