Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Which one of the following statements is incorrect in relation to ionization enthalpy? (a) Ionization enthalpy increases for each successive electron. (b) The greatest increase in ionization enthalpy is experienced on the removal of an electron from core noble gas configuration. (c) End of valence electrons is marked by a big jump in ionization enthalpy. (d) Removal of an electron from orbitals bearing lower n value is easier than from orbital having higher n value

Answer: (d) is a false statement  When comparing orbitals with a lower value of 'n' to orbitals with a higher value of 'n,' it is easier to remove an electron from the lower value of 'n' orbital....

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The size of isoelectronic species F–, Ne and Na+ is affected by (a) nuclear charge (Z ) (b) valence principal quantum number (n) (c) electron-electron interaction in the outer orbitals (d) none of the factors because their size is the same.

Answer: (a) Nuclear charge (Z) Because, in the case of isoelectronic species, the atomic size decreases as the number of nuclear charge increases (Z). e.g. the arrangement according to increasing...

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“Anything that influences the valence electrons will affect the chemistry of the element”. Which of the factors given below is not affecting the valence shell? (a) Valence Principal quantum number (n) (b) Nuclear charge (Z) (c) Nuclear mass (d) Number of core electrons

Answer: Option c) Because the nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons, the mass of the nucleus has no effect on the valence shell. Protons, or nuclear charges, have an effect on the valence...

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Which of the following statements related to the modern periodic table is incorrect? (a) The p-block has 6 columns because a maximum of 6 electrons can occupy all the orbitals in a p-shell. (b) The d-block has 8 columns because a maximum of 8 electrons can occupy all the orbitals in a d-subshell. (c) Each block contains a number of columns equal to the number of electrons that can occupy that subshell. (d) The block indicates the value of an azimuthal quantum number (l) for the last subshell that received electrons in building up the electronic configuration.

Answer: Correcting the incorrect statement is represented by option (b). It explains that "the d-block has 8 columns because a maximum of 8 electrons can occupy all of the orbitals in a d-subshell,"...

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Predict the formulas of the stable binary compounds that would be formed by the combination of the following pairs of elements. (a) Lithium and oxygen (b) Magnesium and nitrogen (c) Aluminium and iodine (d) Silicon and oxygen (e) Phosphorus and fluorine (f) Element 71 and fluorine

Answer: i) $Li_2O$ is formed when the alkali metal lithium (with one valence electron) and group 16 element oxygen (with two valence electrons) mix. (ii) The alkaline earth metal magnesium (which...

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The first $\left(\Delta_{ i } H _{1}\right)$ and the second $\left(\Delta_{ i } H _{2}\right)$ ionization enthalpies (in $kJ mol ^{-1}$ ) and the $\left(\Delta_{ eg } H \right)$ electron gain enthalpy (in $kJ mol ^{-1}$ ) of a few elements are given below: Which of the above elements is likely to be : (a) the least reactive element. (b) the most reactive metal. (c) the most reactive non-metal. (d) the least reactive non-metal. (e) the metal which can form a stable binary halide of the formula MX2 (X=halogen). (f) the metal which can form a predominantly stable covalent halide of the formula MX (X=halogen)?

Elements (\Delta _{i}H_{1})(Δi​H1​) (\Delta _{i}H_{2})(Δi​H2​) (\Delta _{eg}H)(Δeg​H) 1 520 7300 -60 2 419 3051 -48 3 1681 3374 -328 4 1008 1846 -295 5 2372 5251 +48 6 738 1451 -40   Answer:...

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Assign the position of the element having outer electronic configuration (i) $ns ^{2} np ^{4}$ for $n =3$ (ii) (n1) $d ^{2} ns ^{2}$ for $n =4$, and (iii) $( n -2) f ^{7}( n -1) d ^{1} ns ^{2}$ for $n =6$, in the periodic table.

Answer: i) Since n = 6, the element is in period 6. f-block element because the last electron enters f-orbital. They are in the third group. So, 54 + 7 + 2 + 1 Equals 64. So Gadolinium is required....

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Use the periodic table to answer the following questions. (a) Identify an element with five electrons in the outer subshell. (b) Identify an element that would tend to lose two electrons. (c) Identify an element that would tend to gain two electrons. (d) Identify the group having metal, non-metal, liquid as well as gas at the room temperature

Answer: (a) The electrical configuration of an element with 5 electrons in the outer subshell is ns2np5. The electrical configuration of the Halogen group is the same. As a result, the elements...

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The electronic configuration of gadolinium (Atomic number 64) is
\[\left( \mathbf{i} \right)\text{ }\left[ \mathbf{Xe} \right]\text{ }\mathbf{4f}{{~}^{\mathbf{3}}}~\mathbf{5}{{\mathbf{d}}^{\mathbf{5}}}~\mathbf{6}{{\mathbf{s}}^{\mathbf{2}}}\]
\[\left( \mathbf{ii} \right)\text{ }\left[ \mathbf{Xe} \right]\text{ }\mathbf{4}{{\mathbf{f}}^{\mathbf{7}}}~\mathbf{5d2}\text{ }\mathbf{6}{{\mathbf{s}}^{\mathbf{1}}}\]
\[\left( \mathbf{iii} \right)\text{ }\left[ \mathbf{Xe} \right]\text{ }\mathbf{4}{{\mathbf{f}}^{\mathbf{7}}}~\mathbf{5}{{\mathbf{d}}^{\mathbf{1}}}~\mathbf{6}{{\mathbf{s}}^{\mathbf{2}}}\]
\[\left( \mathbf{iv} \right)\text{ }\left[ \mathbf{Xe} \right]\text{ }\mathbf{4}{{\mathbf{f}}^{\mathbf{8}}}~\mathbf{5}{{\mathbf{d}}^{\mathbf{6}}}~\mathbf{6}{{\mathbf{s}}^{\mathbf{2}}}\]

Option (iii) is the answer. The electronic configuration of gandolium is [Xe] 4f7 5d1 6s2

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