Reflection of Light

The real image formed by a concave mirror is smaller than the object if the object is:
a) between centre of curvature and focus
b) at a distance greater than radius of curvature
c) at a distance equal to radius of curvature
d) at a distance equal to focal length

The correct option is b) at a distance larger than the radius of curvature is the right answer The image created by a concave mirror for an object positioned beyond the centre of curvature or at a...

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a) Give two circumstances in which a concave mirror can form a magnified image of an object placed in front of it. Illustrate your answer by drawing labelled ray diagrams for both.
b) Which one of these circumstances enables a concave mirror to be used as shaving mirror?

a) I A enlarged image is created when an object is put between the pole and the focus of a concave mirror. ii) A enlarged image is created when an item is placed between the focus and the centre of...

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a) Draw ray-diagrams to show the formation of images when the object is placed in front of a concave mirror:
i) between its pole and focus
ii) between its centre of curvature and focus describe the nature, size, and position of the image formed in each case
b) State one use of concave mirror based on the formation of images as in case (z) above.

a) I When an object is put between the pole and the focus of a concave mirror, the image created is virtual, erect, and bigger than the object, and it is formed behind the mirror. ii) When an item...

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a) What is meant by i) principal focus of a convex mirror ii) focal length of a convex mirror?
b) Draw diagram to show the action of convex mirror on a beam of parallel light rays. Mark on this diagram principal axis, focus F, centre of curvature C, pole P, and focal length f of the convex mirror.

a) I Principal focus of a convex mirror: The principal focus of a convex mirror occurs when all of the reflected light rays meet at a location after diverging in the mirror. ii) Focal length of a...

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a) Define i) principal focus of a concave mirror
ii) focal length of a concave mirror
b) Draw diagram to represent the action of a concave mirror on a beam of parallel light rays. Mark on this diagram principal axis, focus F, centre of curvature C, pole P, and the focal length f of the concave mirror.

a) I A concave mirror's primary focus is the place on the principal axis where all of the light rays converge after reflection. ii) Focal length of a concave mirror: The focal length of a concave...

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Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:
a) Parallel rays of light are reflected by a concave mirror to a point called the ……..
b) The focal length of a concave mirror is the distance from the ……… to the mirror.
>c) A concave mirror ….. rays of light whereas a convex mirror ……. rays of light.
d) For a concave mirror, parallel rays of light appear to diverge from a point called the ……

a) The main emphasis b) The main emphasis b) The convergence and divergence of data d) The main emphasis

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a) Explain why though both a plane mirror and a sheet of paper reflect light but we can see the image of our face in a plane mirror but not in a sheet of paper.
b) The image in a plane mirror is virtual and laterally inverted. What does this statement mean?
c) Write all the capital letters of the alphabet which look the same in a plane mirror.

a) We can see the picture of our face in a plane mirror but not on a sheet of paper because the image created on a plane mirror is known as regular reflection, but the image formed on a sheet of...

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State and explain the laws of reflection of light at a plane surface with the help of a labelled ray diagram. Mark the angle of incidence and reflection clearly on the diagram, if the angle of reflection is 47.5 degrees what will be the angle of incidence?

The phenomenon of light reflection occurs when a light beam bounces back from a surface. a) Incident ray: The beam of light that strikes the mirror. b) Angle of incidence: The angle at which the...

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What is meant by reflection of light? Define the following terms used in the study of reflection of light by drawing a labelled ray diagram.
a) incident ray
b) point of incidence
c) normal
d) reflected ray
e) angle of incidence
f) angle of reflection

The phenomenon of light reflection occurs when a light beam bounces back from a surface. a) Incident ray: The beam of light that strikes the mirror. b) Angle of incidence: The angle at which the...

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