A stone of mass m is tied to an elastic string of negligible mass and spring constant k. The unstretched length of the string is L and has negligible mass. The other end of the string is fixed to a nail at a point P. Initially, the stone is at the same level as the point P. The stone is dropped vertically from point P.
A stone of mass m is tied to an elastic string of negligible mass and spring constant k. The unstretched length of the string is L and has negligible mass. The other end of the string is fixed to a nail at a point P. Initially, the stone is at the same level as the point P. The stone is dropped vertically from point P.

a) find the distance y from the top when the mass comes to rest for an instant, for the first time

b) what is the maximum velocity attained by the stone in this drop?

According to the figure, PE of stone = mechanical energy of string

So, we can write the following expression

mgy = ½ K(y-L)2

Where K represents the spring constant and L denotes the length of the string

Solving the above equation we get the following form:

Ky2 – 2(KL + mg)y + KL2 = 0

We may calculate the distance y from the top when the mass comes to a stop using the equation above.

D = b2 – 4ac

Where a = K,

b = -2(KL +mg)

and c = KL2

Substituting the above values we get the following result:

$ \sqrt{D}=\sqrt{4mg(mg+2KL)}=2\sqrt{mg(mg+2KL)} $

Therefore, y can be solved as follows :

$ y=\frac{(KL+mg)\pm \sqrt{mg(2KL+mg)}}{K} $

(b)When the velocity is at its highest, the acceleration is zero, and the force is also zero. Let v be the stone’s maximum velocity. The greatest speed obtained by the stone is calculated using the law of conservation of energy. KE of the stone + PE obtained by the string = PE lost by the stone from p to Q’. Therefore, we can write :

mg (L + x) = 1/2 mv2 + 1/2 Kx2

Solving the above equation, we get maximum velocity v as follows :

$v={{\left[ 2gL+\frac{m{{g}^{2}}}{K} \right]}^{\frac{1}{2}}}$