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A particle A with a mass mA is moving with a velocity v and hits a particle B (mass mB) at rest (one dimensional motion). Find the change in the de Broglie wavelength of the particle A. Treat the collision as elastic.

According to the law of conservation of momentum,

mAv + mB0 = mAv1 + mBv2

mA(v-v1) = mBv2

1/2 mAv2 = 1/2 mAv12 + 1/2mBv22

mA(v-v1)(v+v1) = mBv22

v1 = (mA-mB/mA+mB)v

v2 = (2mA/mA+mB)v

λinitial = h/mAv

λfinal = h/mAv1

∆λ = λfinal – λinitial = h/mAv(mA+mB/mA-mB)-1