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A mass m1 of a substance of specific heat capacity c1 at temperature T1 is mixed with a mass m2 of other substance of specific heat capacity c2 at a lower temperature T2. Deduce the expression for the temperature t of the mixture. State the assumption made, if any.


According to the statement, a mass m1 of a substance A having specific heat capacity c1 at temperature T1 is mixed with a mass m2 of other substance B having specific heat capacity c2 at a lower temperature T2. Due to this, the final temperature of the mixture becomes T.

Therefore, decrement in temperature of substance A = T1 – T

Increment in the temperature of substance B = T – T2

Using the expression of heat energy, we will now calculate the heat energy gained and lost by B and A respectively.

Heat energy lost by A = m1 × c1 × decrement in temperature

= m1c(T1 – T)

Heat energy gained by B = m2 × c2 × increment in temperature

= m2c2 (T – T2)

In the case where no energy goes out in the surrounding, then by the principle of mixtures we can write –

Heat energy lost by A will be equal to the Heat energy gained by B

m1c1 (T1 – T) = m2c2 (T – T2)

Upon rearranging the above equation, we have –

T = (m1c1 T1 + m2c2 T2) / m1c1 + m2c2

We have made an assumption here that no loss of heat energy takes place.