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A cylindrical log of wood of height h and area of cross-section A floats in water. It is pressed and then released. Show that the log would execute SHM with a time period where m is mass of the body and ρ is the density of the liquid.


Let us consider that the verticle displacement at the equilibrium position is   $ {{x}_{0}} $

At equilibrium

$ A{{x}_{0}}\rho g $
When it is displaced further by a displacement x, the buoyant force is $ A({{x}_{0}}+x)\rho g $
The net restoring force then becomes,

$ F=A({{x}_{0}}+x)\rho g-mg=A\rho gx $

  [We have taken mod value]
So, we get

$ T=2\pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{A\rho g}} $