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(a) Among Period 2 elements A, B, C and D, the one which has high electron affinity is

A. Lithium B. Carbon

C. Fluorine D. Neon 

(b) Group No. ’s


 Select from the table:

(i) Which is the most electronegative?

(ii) How many valence electrons are present in G?

(iii) Write the formula of the compound between B and H.

(iv) In the compound between F and J, what type of bond will be formed?

(v) Draw the electron dot structure for the compound formed between C and K. 


(a) Correct Answer: A. Lithium

When we go from left to right in a period, the electron affinity decreases.


(i) The element J is the most electronegative.

(ii) 5 is the number of valence electron present in the element G.

(iii) The formula of the compound between B and H is B2H.

(iv) Covalent bond is formed between F and J.
