a) A boy with a mouth 5cm wide stands 2m away from a plane mirror. Where is his image and how wide is the image of his mouth?
b) The boy walks towards the mirror at a speed of 1m/s. At what speed does his image approach him?
a) A boy with a mouth 5cm wide stands 2m away from a plane mirror. Where is his image and how wide is the image of his mouth?
b) The boy walks towards the mirror at a speed of 1m/s. At what speed does his image approach him?

a) The width of the boy’s mouth picture is 5cm, and the image is created at a distance of 2m behind the mirror.

b) The speed with which the kid approaches the mirror will be the same as the speed with which the image approaches = 1m/s

As a result, the speed equals 2+2 = 4 m/s