$3$. Two coins are tossed simultaneously $300$ times and the outcomes are noted as
$3$. Two coins are tossed simultaneously $300$ times and the outcomes are noted as

Two tails: $83$

One tail: $140$

No tail: $77$

Find the probability of occurrence of each these events.


the extent to which an event is likely to occur, measured by the ratio of the favorable cases to the whole number of cases possible.

From the question it is given that,

Two coins are tossed simultaneously 300 times,


Total number of times $2$ tails come up = $83$

$P(2$tails will come up) = Number of times $2$ tails come up/Total number of times

the coins were tossed

= $\frac{83}{300}$

Total number of times $1$ tail come up = $140$

$P(1$tails will come up$)$ = Number of times $1$ tails come up/Total number of times

the coins were tossed

= $\frac{140}{300}$

= $\frac{7}{15}$

Total number of times no tail come up = $77$

P($1$ tails will come up) = Number of times no tails come up/Total number of times

the coins were tossed

= $\frac{77}{300}$